Opening Hours : Mon to Sat: Morning - 10am to 1pm, Evening - 5:30pm to 8pm


  • Pain/itching
  • Ear Discharge (Continuous/Intermittent)
  • Ear Block
  • Tinnitus (Ringing Sounds in the Ear)
  • Hearing Loss
  • Vertigo/ Dizziness
  • Fungal infection/ Bacterial infection
  • Middle ear infection ( ASOM/CSOM)
  • Inner ear - Meniere's
  • BPPV
  • Acoustic Neuroma
  • Age-related—presbycusis, Barotraumas
  • Wax Removal
  • Myringoplasty
  • Tympanoplasty (Type 1-5)
  • Stapedectomy
  • Mastoid Explorations
  • Cochlear Implants


Wax Removal

Wax can cause pain / Itching / Ear Blocks timely dewaxing and cleaning is required



An operation to repair the perforation is called a ‘Myringoplasty’

A perforation is usually caused by an infection in the middle ear that bursts through the eardrum.

The benefits od closing perforation include prevention of water entering the middle ear.



A Surgical technique to repair a defect in the tympanic membrane with the placement of a graft either medial or lateral to the tympanic membrane

This Surgery helps to improve hearing or to stop frequent ear infections.



A Stapedectomy is ear surgery that done to treat hearing loss caused by a problem called otosclerosis which causes a buildup of bone around the stapes (stirrup bone).

The buildup of bone keeps the stapes from moving normally, resulting in a type of hearing loss called conductive hearing loss.



The Mastoid is part of your skull located behind your ear.

A Mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes diseased mastoid air cells.


Cochlear implants

A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which make sounds louder Cochlear implants bypass the damaged hair cells of the inner ear to provide sound signals to the brain.