Opening Hours : Mon to Sat: Morning - 10am to 1pm, Evening - 5:30pm to 8pm


  • Swelling
  • Open Mouth Breathing
  • Nasal Blockage
  • Rhinits & Discharge
  • Adenoids
  • Bleeding Nose
  • Snoring
  • Headache
  • Dryness of nose
  • Septal Deviation- Septoplasty
  • Fess For Sinusitis (Functional Endoscopic sinus surgey)
  • Rhinoplasty – External Correction of Nose
  • Septo Rhinoplasty
  • Fess/Polyp Removal
  • Turbinoplasty
  • Adenoidectomy (Coblation/Pediatric & Adult)


Septal Deviation

It is a condition in which the nasal septum, the bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity of the nose in half, is significantly off centre, or crooked, making breathing difficult. Septoplasty is the Surgical procedure to correct the deviated septrum


Fess for Sinusitis

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive surgical treatment which usesnasal endoscopes to enlarge the nasal drainage pathways of the paranasal sinuses to improve sinusventilation.



Rhinoplasty is surgery on the nose to change its shape or improve its function. It can be done for medical reasons — such as to correct breathing problems related to the nose or correct disfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects.



Septorhinoplastyis a surgery to improve the appearance of your nose and to improve how you breathe through your nose. It involves operating on the bones and cartilage that give your nose its shape and structure and making your septum straight


Fess/Polyp Removal

This minimally invasive surgery is effective in removing sinus polyps and other types of abnormalities of the nose that cause significant breathing problems, including chronic sinusitis.



The turbinates are covered with soft erectile tissue called “nasal mucosa”.They can swell in response to allergies or sinus infections. … Anything that reduces the size of the turbinates to help you breathe better is termed a “Turbinoplasty.”



Adenoidectomy is a common surgery to remove theadenoids. The adenoids are glands located in the roof of the mouth, behind the soft palate where the nose connects to the throat.